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问题是:为什么高手不写? 不要跑题


我觉得Steve Adams忙着接单赚钱,没有时间写:)


I can give a vivid example, happened in SV of USA of course:

two chinese guy jumped out from their previous working IT company and start their own business. They run it very successful and make themselves millionaire. Unfortunately, in their own IT product, they use similar technique and some base code from their previous company. At the beginning, everybody knows that but they simply ignored it. But after it is well-known, tradegy follows up. The previous company sued these two guys for illegal usage of product, it is against patent law,blah,blah,blah,etc...

two smart chinese guys were all sent to prison.
every single penny they made, have to be paid to their previous company.
business went bankrupt.

Every company,person knows how important to protect their own product, invention, idea. In China, it is not feasible,yet. but I believe somehow,it is going to be a global issue. we think chinese people are smart, it is not true in western logic thinking. Maybe I am a bit pessimistic.

netbanker is right

the idea of the law and the business is not the same.

至少我没有抄什么base code. 不知道这一点对于结果有何影响.



这篇文章由 Fenng 于 September 29, 2005 10:52 PM 发布.


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