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一直都不知道Yong Huang 的站点


想起Itpub上好像有人作了专家的投票,偶投的是Yong. Huang。神人也。:-)


hehe ,多替 Yong Huang 大侠做点广告,因为他的站点内容的确不错

Thanks, Fenng, and others for your compliments. In reviewing my web content (or anybody's for that matter), remember not to go overboard. As I said to some folks on the Internet, one goal of my web site is to attract potential employers, and "if real gurus see some of it, they may laugh at it". So keep a sober and critical mind, which many people on public newsgroups or mailing lists do not always have.

Another point I want to make is that I constantly feel short of time to keep up with technologies. It's just too easy to lag behind and eventually the quality of my writing degrades. You know why "Oracle8i Internals de zuo4zhe3 mei3you3 chu1ban3 9i huo4 10g de ban3ben3" (pinyin here intentionally).

Thanks again. I learned a lot from itpub discussion, too. Merry Christmas.

Huang Yong


Keep a sober mind, I will remember that.

know Mr. Huang Yong from itpub long time ago, such an oracle guru and solid technical background.

btw, I like the picture part more than the technical article ;-), keep updating please.



这篇文章由 Fenng 于 December 23, 2004 1:33 PM 发布.

上一篇:Disable 10g's Recyclebin.

下一篇:DTrace(Dynamic Tracing):Solaris 10 的新特性.

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