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ETags and Last-Modified headers are two ways that feed publishers can save bandwidth, but they only work if clients take advantage of them. Universal Feed Parser gives you the ability to take advantage of these features, but you must use them properly.

The basic concept is that a feed publisher may provide a special HTTP header, called an ETag, when it publishes a feed. You should send this ETag back to the server on subsequent requests. If the feed has not changed since the last time you requested it, the server will return a special HTTP status code (304) and no feed data.

我看过你的关于 Lilina 的另一篇文章:如何修改时区 Dissect Lilina 这篇没有挤出时间读.早知道读一下能节省不少时间.

呵呵,这是对于我们RSS Online很有用的标准。


