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你好,Movable Type 主要是用来做什么的呀?做Blog的吗?你的blog 做的挺好的,以后可以常来看看了


Movable Type is an application that installs on your web server, providing a publishing platform for creating weblogs or news pages. Movable Type is flexible and is appropriate for use by web developers, professionals, organizations or businesses with customization needs. For a simpler start to weblogs, you can try our TypePad service, which includes all of Movable Type’s features on a centrally hosted server that requires no configuration...



这篇文章由 Fenng 于 December 21, 2004 2:02 PM 发布.

上一篇:AWStats 6.3 出来了.

下一篇:Oracle Wait Interface: V$SESSION_WAIT.

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